“Walking Dead” star Christian Serratos has been cast as the late Tejano singer Selena Quintanilla in a new Netflix series titled “Selena: The Series.” Netflix released a first look clip of Serratos, shown in one of Quintanilla’s most famous outfits and sporting her trademark red lipsticked look while singing her hit with Los Dinos titled “Como La Flor.”
The 23-year-old Quintanilla — who performed under just her first name — was fatally shot in 1995 by her fan club president and friend Yolanda Saldívar.
The series is being made in cooperation with the late singer’s family who serve as executive producers. According to the streaming service, “it will follow along as “Mexican-American Tejano singer Selena comes of age and realizes her dreams, she and her family make tough choices to hold on to love and music.”
No premiere date has been announced yet for “Selena: The Series.”
Teaser trailer of Christian Serratos as Selena Quintanilla on new Netflix series drops
Via www.monstersandcritics.com11/12/2019 5:27 PM
Editorial credit: Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com